

Your organization is unique, from people to structure. Peero App is here to meet the needs of your organization.

We'll make your life easy.

Did you know that positive feedback improves employee motivation 3x more than critique? Make recognition a part of your daily routine. It’s easy! Gamify your workplace, share feedback on all achievements. Design your own behavior badges and customize the app. Get impactful data about your employee experience from performance analytics.

Feedback Culture for Employee


Amazingly simple administration panel to edit your visual identity, manage users.

Self review

Create badges that describe for what you will be recognizing each other

Microsoft Power BI Analytics

  • See how your peer-to-peer recognition culture develops over time
  • Track how the engagement level of your recognition culture changes over time
  • Objectively pinpoint your most valuable players (MVPs) over time
  • Find your unity leaders – employees who unite your organization to determine your hidden talents and valuable employees

The Peero App will help make recognition simple and save valuable time in your busy schedule.

Multi Language

Build to break the language barriers


MS Teams

Single Sign On

We know how important it is to keep a sign on system secure.

Rest API

Designed to take bigger advantage

Ready to connect technology with your company?