
Webinar: Navigating the Hybrid Workplace: Building a Brighter Future Workplace

11:00 (UTC:+3)

In the ever-changing world of today’s work, the concept of the hybrid workplace has emerged as a transformative approach to how […]

In the ever-changing world of today’s work, the concept of the hybrid workplace has emerged as a transformative approach to how organizations operate. As we merge remote and face-to-face work environments, it is critical to explore the complexities and opportunities that arise from this new paradigm.


The Webinar hosts two speakers Jurgita Gaukštė and Eva Knitnere. Jurgita leverages her insights to address a range of subjects, building upon the foundations laid during her interview. On the other hand, Eva provides a valuable perspective by delving into the real-world implementation of the hybrid workplace concept within the SQUALIO group, highlighting the instrumental role that PEERO has played in this transformational journey. Below you can find the full list of topics that are tackled during the Webinar by each speaker:

Jurgita Gaukštė

  • Current attitude towards the Hybrid Workplace
  • Key themes in organization culture in a Hybrid Workplace
  • Enhancing collaboration in Hybrid work setting

Eva Knitnere

  • SQUALIO’s implementation of Hybrid work
  • PEEROS contribution in maintaining a well-functioning workplace
  • Onboarding and Recognition strategies

Below you can find PDFs of Jurgita’s and Eva’s presentations:

Jurgita – Presentation PDF

Eva – Presentation PDF

Webinar recording