
Promoting a culture of recognition at ZZ Dats

ZZ Dats is a 100% Latvian IT company with 29 years of experience in developing information systems of public significance. The company takes pride in its over 220 employees and sustainable growth. Success and innovation are continuous at ZZ Dats, as they recognize that employee satisfaction and stability are the driving forces behind development.

ZZ Dats’ Head of HR and Administration, Iveta Kažemaka, shared her experience on how Peero helps strengthen team bonds.


Why Peero?

We started using Peero shortly before COVID-19. In December, we began sending virtual Peero gingerbread cookies along with words of appreciation to our colleagues. It turned out that Peero was an excellent tool for maintaining connection in the remote work environment that soon followed.

The element of gamification in our daily work is often something we miss. And Peero offers this opportunity. Plus, it allows everyone to easily receive feedback, which is especially important. It was very helpful that the company’s director was the leader in sending out the most recognitions each month.

Our experience with Peero was so positive that at the end of 2023, we returned to Peero to strengthen the culture of recognition within the organization and ensure that feedback is provided in the most convenient way. “Peero has been an essential tool in helping employees feel connected to both the team and the company, even when working remotely or in a hybrid mode,” emphasizes Iveta.

How did Peero help?

The Peero platform is used at ZZ Dats to help strengthen team connections, appreciate colleagues, and promote a positive work environment, even in a hybrid work model.

Additionally, in 2024, we began utilizing the benefits of the Peero store, where employees can redeem their earned Peero coins to purchase various items. We offer pens, pencils, and other items with the company logo. Interestingly, colleagues purchase more branded items than they need for themselves, also buying them for family members, which fosters loyalty to the company. In the Peero store, it is also possible to redeem collected coins to make donations to Ukraine or to “Doctor Clowns.” Some employees choose to use their recognition coins exclusively for these charitable causes.

The Peero store offerings are shaped by colleague demand.

One of the most purchased items in our Peero store is the programmer’s rubber duck. We also offer our employees the opportunity to purchase a “shadowing” experience, where the employee can learn and gain knowledge from their colleague. In our company, the director’s calendar is accessible to everyone, and anyone can schedule an individual meeting with the director if they wish. With Peero, we remind everyone to take advantage of this opportunity by inviting the director for a coffee or other casual conversation.

“We primarily use the Peero mobile app, and colleagues have noted that the notifications from the Peero app are as exciting as receiving a salary notification. It feels just as great to receive recognition from a colleague.

Throughout our experience using Peero, we received excellent support from the Peero team. This has been very helpful in maintaining our efficiency on a daily basis.

Challenges to be addressed

With Peero, we aimed to enhance colleagues’ communication, foster a sense of belonging, loyalty, and strengthen the culture of feedback. As a large company with many teams and frequently hybrid-working employees, it was essential to encourage colleagues to notice and express gratitude for their peers’ good work. Peero is a highly suitable tool that helps reinforce this sense of belonging, especially when employees are not present in person.

The challenge is to come up with new reminder messages for users at the end of each month. Peero is a great tool, but its use will be more successful with active participation from everyone.

Added value

Peero has helped ZZ Dats to create a culture of recognition and feedback that enhances both employee satisfaction and engagement. Colleagues’ appreciation for their work and the recognition expressed through Peero improve the work atmosphere, promote productivity, and strengthen positive relationships.

With Peero, every unspoken good word that hasn’t been shared in the corridor reaches a colleague. Peero provides the opportunity to ensure that it is not lost.

ZZ Dats Peero Leaders Awarding (video from the ZZ Dats archive)


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