
Cēsu alus: A meaningful recognition is part of every day.

“Cēsu alus” is a sustainable and modern beverage production facility, rich in traditions and experience. The company’s distribution network fosters a positive culture, employing more than 250 employees throughout Latvia. The company has a production facility in Cēsis, offices in Riga, as well as trade representatives and promoters throughout Latvia.

“Cēsu alus” began its Peero journey in 2020, becoming one of the first companies to use the app. With the aim of promoting a culture of positive work environment and feedback based on the company’s values, Peero provides the opportunity to express virtual gratitude to every company employee, regardless of their location.

*To encourage employee participation in Peero, a monthly employee motivation system was created, where the most recognized employees in various subgroups are awarded the company’s internal virtual currency called “Beer coins”. These coins can be used in the “Beer coin” store where employees can exchange them for different rewards.

In 2021, the company began recognizing the value ambassadors – employees who received the most Peero recognition in the company’s POLKA – yes, just like the dance – or value categories throughout the year.

  • Pozitīva attieksme (Positive attitude)
  • Orientācija uz klientu (Focus on the customer)
  • Latvijas tirgus izpratne (Understanding the Latvian market)
  • Komandas darbs (Teamwork)
  • Atbildība (Responsibility)

“Cēsu alus” positive culture kept growing with Peero in 2022. A new nomination “Networker of the Year” was established, honoring the employee with the widest network of recognitions from various departments and employee groups.

❗️As a part of the Leadership Skills Development Project for Managers, a 3-month mutual competition among managers was organized, encouraging them to lead by example and make full use of Peero – a tool for positive feedback and reinforcement.

In 2022, the exchange of mutual “thank-you” among employees reached nearly 18,500, averaging 50 recognitions every working day.

Peero has truly become a part of “Cēsu alus” culture – it’s introduced to new employees on the first day, meaningful recognition is part of every day, and Peero value ambassadors are awarded in an annual ceremony. And the most important part – it’s the people that are of the most value in “Cēsu alus”.


Take a look at the feedback that Cēsu alus employees have shared with their colleagues 👇



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