

A satisfied employee is able to do their job more productively because they are motivated, involved with the company’s processes, more careful in working with clients, and are thus able to increase customer satisfaction. However, raising employee satisfaction is a complex process, in which the company’s management must be involved, while working closely with staff management and IT specialists. A study by The Economist looks at what can help increase employee satisfaction, as well as a company’s productivity and profitability.

Management’s role in employee satisfaction

In many cases, the managers of departments are responsible for employee satisfaction within a particular department, but this type of division tends to be disappointing, because it fails to bring the company together in a single, employee satisfaction programme. In order to successfully increase employee satisfaction and take the necessary actions, it is best to nominate one employee who is fully responsible for raising satisfaction throughout the company and who also coordinates collaboration between the heads of different departments in this process. Also, one employee who is nominated as the leader in raising employee satisfaction is better able to create their own image of a leader in the company as a whole, rather than fragmentation – several leaders in different departments.

Ensuring access to information

Access to information and data necessary for work, regardless of the employee’s location, allows one to work more efficiently and be more satisfied with the work process. By ensuring the successful circulation of internal information, the company not only gets satisfied employees, but is also able to increase productivity in general. According to the authors of The Economist study, the availability of information is one of the most important factors in promoting employee satisfaction more successfully than other technology tools and solutions.

Importance of collaboration between staff management and the IT department

The study suggests that an even number of IT specialists and staff management feel that they are responsible for employee satisfaction on a larger scale than just within their own team. In order to gain an understanding of how these industries can collaborate, particularly by promoting employee satisfaction, some companies hire specialists that are professionals in both the IT and staff management fields, thus promoting interdisciplinary co-operation within the company. It is no secret that in the IT world, there are various tools and methods that can help staff management professionals achieve their goals, so collaboration is even more important.

Improving information and work platforms

In reducing the fragmentation of information, tools and other resources can also contribute to a positive employee experience by working directly with IT professionals that can create employee-friendly and universal platforms for aspects such as communication, feedback, information retrieval and processing, as well as for other purposes. One of the factors that contributes to employee satisfaction even more than involvement, is the availability of information on mobile devices that allow access to the information needed for the job, regardless of one’s location. Most executives surveyed by The Economist agree that the variety of applications and devices offered has a positive effect on employee satisfaction.

Mutual understanding and collaboration are very important in promoting employee satisfaction. Mostly, the offered technology and platforms that an employee has to deal with on a daily basis, are those that at least partially determine the level of employee satisfaction – therefore every company must make sure that the platforms are organised, easy to understand and able to make employees’ daily lives easier. In order to understand and make improvements, mutual understanding between IT and staff management professionals is very important.


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